The Challenge
Architen Landrell were approached by Pritchard Architects working for the National Museum of the Royal Navy on a nationally significant project to relocate the last remaining Landing Craft Tank from the D-Day landings to Southsea, just outside the D-Day Museum.
They were designing the proposed canopy to go over the ship, which was a large cantilevered curved structure. Originally the design was a single ply roof and timber soffit, which came in over the budget.
Architen were approached to look at alternative ways of achieving the canopy and, following meetings with the Architect and Portsmouth Council, were commissioned to provide a PVC option comprising 13 no. PVC panels with all associated components.
The tolerances on the fabrication work was critical in order for the installation to be carried out successfully.
After working with Metafabs over several years, they have a good understanding of the challenges Architen Landrell experience on site.
They have consistently provided a very professional and personal service throughout the years.

Strategy and Outcome
A successfully built canopy to protect the Landing Craft Tank was completed on budget and to deadline.

Strategy and Outcome
A successfully built canopy to protect the Landing Craft Tank was completed on budget and to deadline.